Friday, July 25, 2008

Oprah Says it Best

I couldn’t have said it any better… “Doing your best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” (Oprah)

It seems like lately, I have a daily, internal struggle with myself. I feel like there is an entirely different person on the inside of me, screaming to come out. I am battling feeling defeated and deflated. So what’s the problem? Well you see, I am a dreamer and I love to think big and imagine “what if” with my life. I can’t stand boring. I can’t stand stale. I can’t stand mediocrity. Most days, these questions run through my head: What if I really could achieve what no else believes I can? What if I really do beat the odds and make it? What if the unimaginable really is possible? I dare to ask myself these things, and I try, try, try hard to achieve them. But, I am constantly smacked in the face by the sometimes-ugly thing called REALITY. I’m not where I want to be yet. I have yet to achieve the crazy dreams that I have for myself. And that saddens my heart… Sometimes to the point of depression. Why? Because I KNOW I can do big things. I live for a God who WANTS me to believe for big things. I serve a Father who DELIGHTS in rewarding His children for their faith. But, time and time again, Reality leaves its ugly handprint on my face and says, “Hey, snap back – you are living in the here and now.”

So, what does this have to do with Oprah? I think her quote is very good in reminding me, that the place I am in right now is absolutely NECESSARY. The “here and now” is preparing me and molding me for that really crazy future I am believing God for. Looking back over my history of “occupations”, I see every position I have held has prepared me for the next. Each position has been a stepping stone. Luckily a stepping stone up… but still, those steps have not been without their downside. Being a receptionist or Customer Service rep was NOT my dream job. But they prepared me for my marketing position. Marketing prepared me for real estate. Real estate prepared me for Sales. And, God only knows what this Sales position is preparing me for. (Really, God only knows!) But, it’s nice to know that my work is not in vain. Doing my “best” at this moment is preparing me to be my “best” at the next moment. It’s easy for me to search for the next moment, and forget to live fully in the “now” moment.

Ok, so, you know me… I’m going to pull out the handy-dandy dictionary.

What is the definition of: Best

  1. of the highest quality, excellence, or standing
  2. the best effort that a person, group, or thing can make
  3. in or to the highest degree

So, for this “moment” I need to put my best foot forward, give it my best effort, and be excellent. Yes, it’s hard. And No, I don’t want to do it. But, through perseverance, prayer, faith, Christ… I know that I will one day look back on my life and say,

“Ah! So that’s what that moment was for!”

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1 comment:

Living In His Arms said...

I love Oprah and respect her deeply for all she does for people, but she's been disappointing me lately with her "follow whatever God or light you want to" theology and "you can heal your own self" methods. But don't get me wrong I love what you wrote in your blog.